Sunday, December 27, 2009

GOodByE BlogSpOt!.. and.. 2009

i really dont know what to say.. but i'll try my best to make this the longest in this blog.

I'm going to start a new blog now, for its a new year and new adventures are yet to come. Mariel found a new blog site that will be real great to start in. I think there are too many memories in this blog already, i think it's time to transfer all of my thoughts to another site, hehee. Although, i'll say goodbye properly, so here it goes.

This year had been sooo different indeed. I've shed lots of laughters and tears. This is a year i know that i would never forget. It is true that life here is in such a fast pace. I can't believe that it has been a year already, although thinking through all of the things that had happened, im also in wonder on how all these adventures only happened in one year; 2009.

Right now, it is December 28 2009, 10:59 AM, three more days before the new year comes and i am here to say goodbye.
It's kind of sad saying goodbye to 2009, but i know all of the memories will still be there, i think its all stored in my heart and mind. I will always remember a lot of things, but due to laziness and a possibility of a real heartache i won't recall and go through everything that had happened this year. I'll mark each important dates in this post instead.

Feb. 27-March 1: YFL Camp ( first time as assistant team leader)
April 3-6: first time back in the philippines for WYC!
May 6-7: Trust in Jesus Camp ( one of first videos made)
June 28: :(
July 10: :( :( :( (heart break)
July 18: back to iloilo city after nine years
September 26: Youth Camp Training ( first talk for training )
October 23-25: Faithbook camp ( first time to do talk 5)
November 28: Kids Conference (first time to be Hannah Montana!)
December 5-6: Heal the World this Christmas Party in Pattaya ( first time to do 3 vids in one day) (first time fishing as a teen) ( first time lots of pics of me taken while sleeping..hehe )
December 12,13,18,19,20,25 : All Caroling days.. earned A LOT of MONEY!

This was my year, and all the "important events," there were loads more but my head is about to explode with all the details of everything, and it's hard gathering dates.. phew. Anyways, this will be my last paragraph in this blog. I'll say it over and over again it has been a great, awesome, exciting, tearful, sleepless, tiring, careless and an unforgettable year. Each and every moment of this year will be remembered and cherished. It will always be in my heart and everyone else's and i am sure of it. God has blessed me so dearly, He was there for me through everything, and i know He is really proud of my strength, especially as i get back on my own feet in each painful encounters. I love you Lord, and i am so grateful for everything you have done and for all the blessing you have showered upon me. For this blog, thank you for being my source of cyber company when all i needed was to be with myself and with my own thoughts. Now it's time

HELLO 2010!!

Goodbye signing out.. until 2010.. but now on

loves.. mwahness.. byeness...
